Working capital calculator (excel & ppt)
Resolve some technical bugs in the Working Capital excel & ppt:
Have the possibility to review the number of years & or peers after having already clicked the grey button once (make the action remediable instead of open a new excel file)
Adapt the format when a value exceeds 100 in the excel (ex: DSO/DIO/DPO), a “#” appears in the ppt
Remove the table TWC/(Eq + LT Lia.) below the graph on the slide 9 in the ppt
Make a direct link between the excel file and the presentation once created to have the possibility to update any data (instead of create a new presentation)
Update the layout of the ppt slides deck (new branding) & reduce the number of slides
Improve the content and lay out of the Cash Management and Trade Finance slides (see reports in CM36 and TF360)
Check if the data upload from CM & TF360 can be done in an quicker/another way. Check if a direct link can be created so that uploads can be done in an quasi automatic way.
Add in the Sales and COGS data to the Excel file, the calculation of CAGR over the years and growth over the last two years.
Update and enhance the Working Capital ppt by incorporating the new data from the Excel file into the slide deck (sales & COGS table)
Enrich the ppt with qualitative data
Check if AI applications can be integrated for the peer analysis and sector info.
Working capital Gross Income (excel)
Reduce the size of the Excel file to facilitate data selections and sorting (maybe using Access ?)
Automatically update the data and column headers twice a year (in June and December) based on a new extract (Excel file to be downloaded)
Update formulas to:
Exclude interest rate figures from Cash Management gross income and total NBI gross income
Apply the same for the Fx bundle
Show calculations both with and without specific data
Add new Métier “Axepta” in the data
Generate a PowerPoint presentation (automatically if possible), segmented by Region and Business Center, highlighting key performance indicators:
Transaction Banking performance of the region or Business Center: total revenue split into métiers (CM, GTS, FI, Factor) as per the attached slide
Transaction Banking revenues/NBI per BC, region and segment (Corporate Coverage & Enterprises)
The percentage of Transaction Banking contributions from the BC/region to the total TxB revenue of the region/CB
Other relevant triggers to be highlighted
Add two additional columns to the data: RM level and sector/business activity (NACE code) for enhanced granularity in sorting.
Create a detailed read me document explaining the data selection process as well as the calculations and formulas used.
Working capital client tracking list (excel)
Update & enhance the dashboard showing the current status of files processed by the Working Capital team:
At the start of a new year, integrate open files from the previous year that still require ongoing action, rather than copying and pasting existing data into a new year's sheet.
Include the various interactions that the working capital has with the coverage/métiers or clients without overriding the most recent comment of the latest exchange (maintain a sequence of exchanges).
Make file status names more meaningful.
Conduct quantitative data analysis and create a report, splitting the results into Enterprises and Corporate Coverage (enrich the overview sheet)
Add a column for the discussed amounts and the expected margin.
Suggest additional ways to improve the dashboard.
Ideal Profile
Language: Dutch & French & English - Strong written and spoken communication skills
Education: Master
Required experience / knowledge
At least 10 years of relevant experience
Technical experience
Experience with conceptual modelling techniques and methods
Good expertise in MS Office
Good understanding of IT and testing
Experience with requirements management
Business experience
Good understanding of work flow processes
Financial background & skills
Soft skills
Analytical mind – conceptual thinking
Negotiation and persuasion skills
Structured approach
Able to work independently
Quality-minded and eye for detail
Open to change